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Thinking About Retirement? The Basics of Financial Literacy Are Your North Star

Working towards retirement, you may have a detailed plan on how to manage your finances so that you have enough saved by the time you leave the workforce. With no external income coming in, there will be a new rulebook on how to manage your retirement earnings, expenses, and investments – not just so that you can keep growing your [...]

November 22nd, 2022|Financial Planning, Retirement Planning|

Making the Switch to Paying Yourself

For most of your life, you’ve probably had a daily routine – from tying your tie to greeting your coworkers to loosening that tie when you get home. When thinking about retirement, not only does your daily routine change but your financial routine does too. In your working years, you made sure to have a savings and wealth accumulation plan. [...]

November 16th, 2022|Retirement Income, Retirement Planning|

Can You Turn Investment Losses into Tax Gains?

When markets take a spill, especially when it comes to your retirement investments, it’s harder to find ways to meet your financial goals. If you were relying on IRA or 401(k) withdrawals to cover your expenses, doing so when markets are down would decrease the lifespan of your savings. And if you’re nearing retirement, market losses may provide cause to [...]

November 7th, 2022|Investing, Stock Market, Tax Strategies|

Going “Back to School” on Your Retirement Plan

When you think about your school years, whether your high school, college, or post-grad days, you’ll revisit memorable moments from when you had your whole life ahead of you. Schooling is all about providing students with the tools they need to achieve their future potential. When it comes to retirement planning, the same is true! Believe it or not, you [...]

September 26th, 2022|Financial Planning, Retirement Planning|

3 Strikes to Avoid When Tax Planning

Taxes are among the most common concern for people in retirement. You might be wondering how to start thinking about your tax strategy so you aren’t taxed more than you need to be. These three mistakes can help start the conversation about what a comprehensive tax strategy might look like for you. Taking Too Much Income When you start to [...]

September 19th, 2022|Taxes & Tax Planning|

5 Key Components to the Retirement Bucket Strategy

Saving for retirement is a long-term endeavor. It’s not about finding the next hottest stock or trying to get rich quickly. It requires a different perspective on your wealth and income that accounts for your needs in different stages of your life, from the beginning of your working years through your retirement. These five key components will help simplify the [...]

September 12th, 2022|Investing, Retirement Income, Retirement Planning|

4 Easy-to-Overlook Estate Planning Mistakes

It’s easy to avoid making an estate plan, but not having one won’t be easy on your loved ones. Having your affairs in order can be a big help to your family, so consider creating a comprehensive estate plan. Unfortunately, there are many easy-to-overlook estate planning mistakes, such as not naming beneficiaries on retirement accounts, not doing so properly, or [...]

September 5th, 2022|Estate Planning|

Don’t Succumb to the Fear of Missing Out

If you’ve followed markets or financial news, especially in the past few years, you may have come across the term “fear of missing out,” commonly abbreviated to FOMO. When markets keep going up, FOMO can start to creep in. It can start to feel like you’re leaving gains on the table by not rebalancing your portfolio to include the ultra-high [...]

August 29th, 2022|Investing, Stock Market|

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